Tomorrow at Church


Maybe you’re dreading going to church tomorrow.

You struggle to connect, to relate, to listen.

To believe.

You struggle to hear anything over the howl of your own criticisms.

The gale of bitterness blows harder each week, and you’re not entirely sure where it comes from.

Maybe you’re pretty sure it’s you, not them, but you can’t stop yourself from projecting your own inner struggle onto every soul around you, every sound and silence, blaming all else for the emptiness you’d hoped the church could fix.

You’re wondering where God is in all this.

Perhaps you’re thinking, if you only knew where Jesus was, where His “true followers” are, you’d go there….

One time two men saw Jesus walk by, so they chased after Him and asked where He was staying.

They wanted to go there.


Teacher, where do You dwell?

~ John 1:38


His answer to them was an invitation that will change our lives if we let it… Come and see.


Come and see…

~ Jesus

{John 1:39}


At church tomorrow, and everywhere we go, instead of looking around to affirm other people’s brokenness that mirrors our own, it will change us to look with the eyes of our spirit to come and see where Jesus dwells.


In that day, you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.

~ Jesus

{John 14:20}


He is in the humble places.

He is in our shared longing to love and be loved at church.

He’s in that soft glow that hovers over seemingly random people.

He’s in the welcoming hugs and honest How are yous during fellowship.

He’s the heartache when you recognize the first notes of that song that echos your deepest prayer…and how you worship Him with breath He inhabits…

He’s the wine and the bread.

He is the baptism—While we wonder whether emersion or sprinkling with water is the right way, He is saying to us, You’ve missed the point! I Am the water!


In fact, the water I will give them will become a well of water springing up within them for eternal life.

~ Jesus

{John 4:14}


He is in the pastor’s passion, longing to fulfill his mission on earth.

He’s the inviting smell of coffee reminding people of home.

He’s the sincere note an unsung secretary printed on your bulletin that says, We’re glad you’re here!

He is the Light filling the room.

He is the beauty of bright shoes and hats, of hearty handshakes and harmonies.

He’s the ribbon of color cast on the wall and your curious nature to find out what’s causing it.

He’s the giggles from the youth group and loud whispers of toddlers who don’t care much for decorum or doctrine.

He’s the gentle rise of the old man’s chest, getting the best sleep of his life.

He’s in the laughter after silly football jokes, and the tear-jerking goodness of testimonies.

He’s the fresh flowers on the altar (and in the restroom), and the sweet scent of candles in the sills.

He’s in the sacrificial offering, to feed, rebuild, and encourage.

He is all good things, in every thing that is good.


Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Heavenly lights, who never, ever changes…

~ James 1:17


Let tomorrow be different…

When at the end of the sermon the pastor stands and gives his invitation, hear Jesus’ Invitation to come and see Him everywhere He dwells, especially inside you… wherever you go.

See with your spirit and ask Him, Are You here?

Then listen for the inner thunder of His answer: I Am.


Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in hell, you are there! If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I dwell on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me; Your right hand will always hold on to me.

~ Psalm 139:7-10



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