The Mirror Box


I had to open my birthday present from Daddy in a hurry because we were late. I tucked the beautiful mirror box back in its bag and off we went.

Days later I was sitting at my laptop, choking on grisly headlines, surrounded by unpaid bills and unmade beds, sinking….

I breathed, Where are You, God?

Among the crumbs, projects, and junk mail was the mirror box.

I held it up and saw my face in its panels, the hard lines of worry, the frown of unbelief.

I lifted the lid and discovered it was actually a music box.

Turning its silver knob, music like hope filled the room… What a Wonderful World.

It is a wonderful world, I remember now.


I’ve told you all this so that through Me you may have peace. In the world you’ll have trouble, but be brave—I’ve overcome the world!

~ Jesus



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