

There’s a little solar flower in my kitchen sill.

Like me, darkness paralyzes it completely.

But it waits, facing east, and even in the grayest dawn, subtly, imperceptibly, it begins to sway.

Any Sunlight at all gives it life. Grateful, it sways.

At first, it’s awkward and irregular, determined… but as the Sun floods west, the flower absorbs all it can until full on worship takes over, fully alive, rocking back and forth in utter rapture until it even makes a sound—click, click, click.


Even if these fall silent, the rocks will shout praises in their place!

~ Jesus


All day long, facing only the Sun, absorbing Light, swaying.

My parsley does it, too.

Every leaf presses like a tiny hand against the glass pane, reaching, outstretched, pressing in.



Always reaching for the Light, it is a parable.

Today, I will reach.

I will reach past darkness.

I will reach for friends and family.

I will reach for the off button.

I will reach to close doors where darkness enters in,

And open doors to give people a chance.

I will reach deep inside to pull out bitter roots.

I will reach to hug, to heal, to help.

I will reach to protect.

I will reach to worship.

Today, I will reach for Light, and live.


For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light! Because the fruit of the Light results in all goodness, righteousness, and truth—and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing whatsoever to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness…

~ Ephesians 5:8-11a

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