The Importance of Cheese


For six years I was privileged to cook for a very special Care Group at church.

After teaching school all day, attending faculty meetings, racing home to cook and set out the food buffet-style by 6:30, it was an act of God. I loved it.

One week we served chili, sandwiches, and salad. With no time to eat, I sprinkled some cheese on a little bowl of chili and set it aside in the kitchen. 45 minutes later when I was able to slurp a bite, it was cold.

In the meantime, we had run out of cheese.

Just as I put the spoon to my mouth, a rather prickly guest walked into the kitchen and huffed, Well! I see you made sure YOU got some cheese! and walked out.

I couldn’t swallow, it hurt my feelings so badly. I wanted to tell God on him, but I already knew what God would say…


If you only love those who love you, what reward will you get for that?

~ Jesus

{Matthew 5:46}

Only God could come up with the idea to get revenge with Love.

I don’t know how to love people who are mean to me, but I started by making sure the guy always had plenty of cheese after that… Or maybe that was the reward, because none of us ever ran out of cheese again.


If your enemy is hungry, feed him… in this way, you’ll heap hot coals of shame on his head, and the Lord will reward you.

~ Proverbs 25:22


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