The Strength-giver


I stumbled out into morning sunshine slating across the table.

I wasn’t ready to shine yet…needed a few more minutes to sulk under the cloud waiting at my bedside. That faithful gray cloud is often waiting, but it’s fragile as death, and just as easily overcome by Love.

I fumbled blindly for Abba’s Love and found it between the shafts of Light in my husband’s Bible where he’d pillaged The Word for strength long before sunrise, while still dark, because the wise always prepare before the battle begins.

So I sipped the same strong black words, gilded by beams of a Cross splayed across the page like a Signature:


I have learned the secret of being content, no matter the circumstances…. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

~ Philippians 4:12-13


And the sweet Secret’s not lost on me… When I am weak, then I am strong… because God knows if I didn’t run slap out of spiritual chug, I wouldn’t come here to be strengthened at all.

I can do Monday through Him who gives me strength.

Tuesday, too, all because of The Secret.





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