When I was a teacher, I had a student who never brought a pencil to class. Not ever.
It felt like a calculated attack on my authority and demeaned my position as Podium Queen.
Unpreparedness is rude, yes it is, so I punished him with detention.
Then one day at a teaching workshop, an old woman with a guitar centered the stage.
I rolled my eyes as she strummed and sang songs about how to be a better teacher.
But then, God Himself must’ve possessed her body, because all at once she put her instrument aside and asked the audience if any of us had ever punished a student for not bringing a pencil to class…
Who, me???
She followed that question by asking if we had ever gone to a grocery store where we knew we’d need to write a check or sign a purchase order, and asked to borrow the cashier’s pen….and did the cashier scold us for being unprepared?
I swallowed hard, completely convicted.
Her monologue cut a chunk of ice out of my heart and replaced it with compassion and common sense.
Forever after, I kept a jar of pencils on my desk—the good kind.
And Guitar Woman taught me not only to remember my pen wherever I go, but to take extra.
Blessed are the merciful, for they’ll receive mercy.
~ Jesus