‘Never Again’ Is Here

I once read the confession of a Nazi soldier responsible for rounding up a Jewish community for relocation to a ghetto.

When he entered one home, he found a woman on her knees, scrubbing her floor as if she were expecting company.

The soldier recalled asking her, Woman, don’t you know I’ve come to take you away? Your house will be leveled. Why are you cleaning it?

He never forgot her response: When they come to destroy our home, I want them to remember that human beings lived here, not dogs.

The world went to its knees after The War, agonizing over stories like this one and pictures of butchered innocents.

Never again, we vowed. And in that moment, we thought we meant it.

We thought we meant, We’ll never again let this happen, but what we really meant was, We hope this never happens again.

Well, it has, and when we’re duped into thinking a bloodthirsty mob alone is acting out the slaughter of 500,000 beating hearts, until facts escape in real-time tweets revealing it was the souls’ own government supporting the annihilation of its own people… we feel helpless.

Be encouraged. We’re not help-less.

We can help.

If you’ve ached over haunting images of Aleppo and asked God to give you a way to help, He has sent braves ahead of you and me to behind enemy lines into Syria—the same Syria mentioned in The Bible.

Preemptive Love Coalition is a group of people who heard about bombs falling on families trapped in houses, of families fleeing with their children only to be intercepted by ISIS, and they went to them.

It has cost them unspeakably, but they’re making a hope-filled difference one hand-out at a time.

You can learn more about their work by clicking here .

But at this rate, they’ll run out of supplies by Christmas unless the world of never again steps in to help.

People just like us but desperate to live are fleeing straight for the dessert, and Preemptive Love is there waiting for them with sleeping bags, food, smiles, and hope.

They are our arms waiting wide to gather them, because we can help.

If you think you don’t have enough money to send, consider asking your small group to take up a collection.

If you attend a church that is not actively helping anyone, I suggest sending your tithe.

Christmas is here. Christ came for this.

The best impression I can give you of the people behind PLC is found in this story of Jesus’ love, a man feeding his enemies.

Read it here.

Aleppo has happened on our watch, but we’re not helpless.

See beyond hopelessness and send hope now.


If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion–how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

 ~ 1 John 3:17-18


Thank you for your compassion. You can help here:



*All photos credit:  Preemptive Love Coalition

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