The Cancer Bell: The Sound of Your Prayers

There’s a very special bell chemo patients get to ring on their final treatment.

It’s a sound that dins throughout the building, drawing instant and genuine applause from every stranger within earshot.

I got to ring that bell today.

I don’t mean to be crass, but I felt like I was ringing hell’s doorbell, showing up at its threshold to return its fiend, limp and defeated.

I rang it like I meant it.

At every turn, doctors reported to me that my healing was exceptional, and because of God’s love through His people, I was able to share with them the power of prayer.

I don’t mean casual prayer; I mean fervent prayer.

Children prayed at bedtime, warring for me.

An entire youth group filled our living room to pray and speak testimonies—the Spirit of prophecy—over me.

Specific prayers showed up in texts, explaining my sudden shifts in morale and pain levels.

Prayers came in cards and calls.

Churches far and wide were lifting me up on Sunday mornings.

At a church I love, believers prayed pneumonia right off of me.

My husband prayed back the flames of fever until it was completely gone, and breathing returned to normal.

Someone wrote my name on paper and slipped it in the Western Wall in Jerusalem! Can you imagine?

So I rang that bell today and as its clamor fell silent, I heard voices all around from people still hooked to infusion machines murmuring, Praise the Lord!


In March, my daddy gave me a leather pouch containing five smooth stones, and hand-written verses taken from 1 Samuel, Chapter 17, the account of David and Goliath.

King James English, of course.

 The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.

It was a prophetic act, because when this cancer ordeal is finally over, I’ll have had five surgeries.

My treatments required only five months.

Five is the number for grace in the Bible, and I’ve received more than my fair share of that.

Thou comest to me with a sword and with a spear, and with a shield, but I come to thee in the Name of the Lord of Hosts.

The final verse in Daddy’s letter is the one I’ve been waiting on, and today was the day.

This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand, and I will smite thee, and I will take thine head from thee… for the battle is the Lord’s.

In September I’ll have one more CT scan to look inside and see more proof, but as of today my numbers are impossibly good—evidence there are no monsters left.

This is a thank you to everyone who has prayed, visited, fed us, lavished us with gifts, kept our children, paid for our medicine, brought us Communion, and loved on us in your own unique ways.

Your prayers baffled my doctors.

Thank you for your fierce faith.

Thank you for your love.

Thank You, Abba.


Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!
 The cords of death entangled me…The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion…
I was brought low, and He saved me. Rest now, my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.

~ Psalm 116:3-7


…Pray for each other, that you may be healed…

~ James 5:16








  1. // Reply

    PTL!! GOOD GOOD FATHER!! Prayers continuing!

  2. // Reply

    Beautiful! Just beautiful! I love you and rejoice with you. It still awes me that God, who is all powerful, cares for each one of us enough to custom-design the “treatments” for our lives. With earthly eyes, it sometimes seems we were forgotten or overlooked or denied our requests. However, as His children, we know that the outcome is according to His plan for His glory. Today, I am overjoyed that His plan was to deliver you from cancer’s clutches! Praise His name!!!

  3. // Reply

    Praise the Lord oh my soul, PRAISE THE LORD. I’m so thankful you got to ring that bell. I continue to pray for strength and favor as you testify of the Goodness of God in the land of the living. Blessings abundantly Sally Sunshine.

  4. // Reply

    Blessings and love to you as you go forth to praise the Lord with health and wholeness! My daughter is just starting this journey. Please pray for her as she fights this battle with our Heavenly Father’s help and grace. In Jesus Name Amen

  5. // Reply

    Love this blog. I rang that bell just over a year ago after being treated for stage 3 breast cancer. As soon as I was diagnosed I immediately asked to be put on the prayer list of every church in my area. It was an amazing and awesome thing to see firsthand so many prayers answered in incredible ways. We serve an awesome God who loves us more than we can comprehend, and who moves mountains when His children pray.

  6. // Reply

    Glory to God!!!! You are so strong and brave, such a blessing in this earth. I love you!!!

  7. // Reply

    Praise to our Lord. Thank u Jesus.
    Never fear God is with us.

  8. // Reply

    I am so happy Sally Anne! I praise God for YOU! Your faith is such an encouragement and inspiration to so many people. You are a true testimony of HIS love and proof that God answers prayers. You have praised HIM through your storm.

  9. // Reply

    This makes my heart sing with praise!! Praise God, He has heard all the prayers and has healed you!!

  10. // Reply

    Well done good and faithful servant. You always glorify the Lord! The words of your testimony will bless and heal multitudes.

  11. // Reply

    I am weeping tears of joy for you and your family. We serve an Awesome God!!!!!

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