The Letter Nailed to My Wall

I imagine what it would’ve been like if 2018 Me had written a letter to myself this time last year.

Dear Sally Anne…

Would I tell myself about the cancer?

Would I write, brace yourself—this is going to be hard?

Maybe, but that wouldn’t be helpful. And it would unnecessarily wreck the pre-cancer part of the year.

What would be helpful, healing even, is a letter of richer Truth that maybe goes like this:

Dear Sally Anne…

Listen to the One who created you. The One who formed you says, ‘Do not be afraid—I have called you by name. You are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through fires of oppression, the flames will not consume you. Be patient, be brave and courageous. The LORD Himself will fight for you—just stay calm. Always remember, joy comes in the morning. You will see the Lord’s goodness in this world, the land of the living. Whatever comes against you will not prosper. You will live in peace. You will be given beauty for ashes—a joyous blessing instead of mourning and festive praise instead of despair. You are precious to Me. You are honored, and I love you.’

This is the actual letter my friend penned for me last April, woven of the very Words of God taken from Scripture.

I nailed it over my bed like a king’s notice to the enemy.

Knowing what the year held would have terrified me and defeated me before the battle even began.

But knowing—knowing—that God Himself is already present and aware of every detail of my life is something I can hold onto.

It’s no less true this year.

It’s no less true for you.

But pretty words of encouragement hold no meaning if they come in a stranger’s voice, or even a friend’s who would say anything to lift us up.

These Words rescued me only because my friend knew I would recognize God’s Voice—my Abba.

My prayer for you is that you’ll dive headlong into His Voice this year.

When you read Scripture, hear it through Love or don’t hear it at all.

Then your thoughts will follow, and throughout the day, you’ll begin to hear Him speaking in other ways—but always kind, always your Friend.

Always filled with power, love, and light—the fabric of your very being.


Listen to the One who created you…

~ Isaiah 43:1





  1. // Reply

    I’ll be reading this every morning for a long time. I love you, Sally Anne!

    1. // Reply

      Sandra, it makes me cry with gratefulness that you pay me any attention at all. I love you so, so much!!!

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