Where are You, God?

I was almost kidnapped when I was four years old.

Back then the local mall had a bookstore on one end and a Hardee’s on the other. I couldn’t wait any longer to use the restroom, so I set out into the forest of legs on my own, dodging purses and shopping bags.

I was independent.

Except when I stopped a woman to ask her to tie my Snoopy shoe lace for me, then I was on to being independent again.

Four-year-olds have very innocent ideas about who can be trusted, so when the man wearing khakis, a white dress shirt and tie kindly asked to take me where I needed to go, I slipped my hand in his and let him lead me.

He waited like a gentleman outside the restaurant until I was finished, and then hand in hand like friends, we walked through the mall toward the bookstore near the glass exit doors.

I thought he was taking me to Mama.

He didn’t know she was waiting there, prayer-knelt with baby brother on her hip, shock-white eyes searching frantically through the exodus of shoppers—just in case I came back.

Mere feet from eternity, I saw her and tried to pull away, but the man’s grip tightened and his pace quickened.

It all happened so fast.

Then came the crushing squeeze of two hands around my ribs, strong with anguish and rage, tossing me toward Mama.

It was Daddy.

Mercy—how Daddy’s path had to be so accurate, how the rhythm of his steps and the glance of his eyes had to fall so perfectly in sync with God’s rescue plan in order for him to be in that place at that moment—the very last moment before the glass doors opened and swallowed me whole.

I see that now.

There’s a saying that you can only see God in the rear view mirror.

You can look all around and squint to see Him here, now, but when you look backward on your life—He’s everywhere.

When Moses was overwhelmed, he begged to see God, but he was allowed only to see His back…

When My glory passes by…I will cover you with My Hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove My Hand and let you see Me from behind.

~ Exodus 33:22-23


…When it was all over.

There are days that are so grim we despair even of life, as Paul said, and if we could just see God it would be so much more bearable.

But believe and know, sweet child of God, the reason you cannot see Him now isn’t because He’s hiding from you; it’s because He has hidden you and covered you with His Mighty Hand.

When this has passed, you’ll look back and see Him.

By the embers of radiance, you’ll see, He was holding you.


I sought the LORD, and He answered me,

And delivered me from all my fears.
 Those who look to Him are radiant,

And their faces will never be ashamed…

~ Psalm 34:4-5


Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me,

For my soul takes refuge in You;

And in the shadow of Your wings

I will take refuge Until the destruction has passed.

~ Psalm 57:1


Do not fear, for I am with you;

Do not anxiously look around you, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, I will surely help you,

I will surely hold you up with My righteous right hand.

~ Isaiah 41:10




I Am always, always with you.

~ Jesus

{Matthew 28:20}




  1. // Reply

    Have you just now sincerely asked God into your life? If you have, you have a lot to look forward to. God promises to make your present life one of greater satisfaction through knowing Him.

    1. // Reply

      Thank you for your encouragement! I’ve been following Christ for a while now, but the journey continues to sweeten and thicken as I get to know Him. I look forward to all there is in Him, but mostly and especially to love Him more as I go.

  2. // Reply

    You are such a blessing to me. So often you write just what I need to hear.. But that’s God’s amazing plan. My husband of 8 years, left 9 days ago. As I grieve I know God covers me with His hand, His love and is protecting and healing me. I’m closer to God than ever before and I trust that He has great plans for me. But today I grieve. Thank God for you and keeping you safe that day!

    1. // Reply

      Oh, Tina… I ached inside to read your words. I’m so thankful you’re able to feel God’s nearness. No words can comfort like His Presence and His assurance of His plans for you, for what the enemy planned to harm you. Thank you for sharing this with me. I pray you’re able to continue to nestle into Him and find solace while He comforts you and uses this to bring about something far more beautiful. You are loved.

      1. // Reply

        You are gifted with your words and kindness. It’s no mistake God led me to you.. To read words that lift my soul! Much love dear sister. One day at a time for me. But God is amazing! <3

  3. // Reply

    Never knew this happened to you. Thankful for God’s saving grace and His protection. I really needed this today. My sister, my younger sister, died in January and I’ve struggled to see God. I know He knows best and is in full control and never makes leaves me. I still have days I swim in despair. Please say a prayer for me!

    1. // Reply

      Oh me, Christie. I can only imagine how bad your heart hurts missing your sister. Thank you for sharing this with me. I’ll sure whisper a prayer for you.

      “Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will be able to take away your joy.” ~ Jesus {John 16:22}

  4. // Reply

    So true, I can always see him behind me.
    Love your writings.

  5. // Reply

    Beautiful and yet frightening except that He had
    you the whole time while teaching you a lesson.

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