Do You Know What’s in the Bible?

We tried so hard. We used the formula that worked: peaceful, predawn quiet; hot coffee; highlighters. Maybe a guide of some kind written by a tightly wound, beloved author whose own frantic eyes seemed to be screaming, Help me!

It worked perfectly for a long while. The Lord met with us there, patient with our Magic 8-ball approach, our penchant for plucking a single strand of Scripture like one note taken from a symphony.

But that approach is for an infant soul. As we begin to grow and life gets stranger and harder, we need more than self-help lessons. We need to encounter the fiery mysteries of a God who doesn’t make sense–One who leaves us in awe of who He is and what He has made.

Where are those Bible studies?

The books and letters of the Bible are fields of buried treasures, supernatural beings, and paradoxes so outrageously wonderful, the Good Book is now illegal or highly restricted in 1/4 of the world. If you’ve read it all the way through a dozen times, you’ve never read it at all, because each time its pages are opened we’re standing at the threshold of endless dizzying “rabbit holes” about what God is like, and what is meant by “the world.”

The answers found in Scripture will always point to the perfection and inconceivable majesty of our God, His intolerance of self-righteousness, and His inexhaustible love for humanity.

Every new discovery about the Most High God will shake the way you see everything and everyone around you, as well as the way you view history and your soul’s future. After all, our day-to-day struggle isn’t about what we can see; it’s about what we can’t see.

So, if you’re bored with your approach to Bible study, maybe it’s time to start asking questions and search the pages of the most important Book in the world until you find answers, or even better questions.

Here are 100+ interesting questions to get you started…

  1. What is the Assembly of God? Who are the “gods” He’s so angry with? (Psalm 82)
  2. Why is our language about money often water-related words? What does this have to do with the spirit realm? How is this related to how Jesus paid Peter’s taxes?
  3. Who is the king of Tyre? Why is his throne in the heart of the seas? Where else has he appeared?
  4. Who are the sons of God?
  5. What does the Bible say about the firmament?
  6. Who was Nimrod? Where is his influence seen today?
  7. Who is Molech? What does he have to do with abortion?
  8. What was an asherah tree/pole? Why were they forbidden? Do we still use them?
  9. What is an altar? What purpose do they serve in the spirit realm?
  10. Why are gluttony and drunkenness often listed together in Scripture?
  11. What gift does God provide for when we don’t know what to pray? Is there a counterfeit version?
  12. What does New Testament deliverance have to do with the book of Joshua?
  13. What is the Apocrypha? Who was Enoch? Is Enoch mentioned in Jude?
  14. What races descended from Noah’s three sons? Where are they now?
  15. Were the marine animals destroyed in the great flood? What does this have to do with the book of Revelation?
  16. Who were the original Hebrews? Where are their descendants now?
  17. What were the ingredients for making anointing oil in the Old Testament? What special properties did they have?
  18. Who are Esau’s descendants? What is Edom?
  19. Which spiritual garments are listed in the Bible? What’s their purpose?
  20. What is deliverance? Who are the captives?
  21. What is the Children’s Bread?
  22. Who are the Watchers?
  23. Who was Dagon? What did he look like?
  24. What do the Hebrew word for womb and matrix have in common? Does it matter?
  25. How are the unique weddings of Galilee a key to understanding most of the New Testament? (Click here for documentary)
  26. What were the fiery flying serpents in Deuteronomy?
  27. How are food and words similar?
  28. Where are dragons mentioned in the Bible? Are these spiritual creatures?
  29. What is the Biblical meaning of knowing? Why is the church called the Bride of Christ?
  30. What were the three entrances to The Tabernacle called? How does this point to Jesus?
  31. How did the Holy Tabernacle represent the spiritual makeup of a human being?
  32. What day of the week is the Sabbath?
  33. What do Tubal-cain and Baphomet have to do with Freemasonry?
  34. Who is the “sun god”? Where is evidence of Ra and Egyptian deities in American culture?
  35. What were sacred pillars? How about obelisks? Why did God hate them? Where do we see them today?
  36. What are the seven Special Sabbaths? How is this related to the true timeline of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection?
  37. Was Jesus born in a barn? What is a kataluma? Where were mangers in Hebrew homes?
  38. There are powerful instructions in the New Testament for dealing with sickness and spirit-oppression. What are they?
  39. What does it mean that Shem “uncovered his father’s nakedness”? Does it have anything to do with Leviticus 18:8? Why was Canaan cursed because of it?
  40. Who are “those who say they are Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan”?
  41. What do the Anakim and Raphaim have in common? Who were the Nephilim?
  42. What fleeing serpent did Jesus pierce?
  43. Who is the king of Pride?
  44. Who is the father of Lies?
  45. If the fortune teller in Acts was telling the truth, why did Paul cast a spirit out of her?
  46. Why was the Sorcerer named Simon willing to pay for the Holy Spirit’s power?
  47. What does it mean to take someone’s name in marriage? What does it mean to take the Lord’s Name in vain?
  48. How did Jesus enter the room where the disciples were if all the doors were locked?
  49. Before Jesus’ own crucifixion, had He ever witnessed a crucifixion before?
  50. What is the importance of sacrifice in the spirit realm? How are sacrifices different in the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness?
  51. What do Jesus’ and Barabbas’ names have in common?
  52. Who hunts souls, makes them fly, and traps them in cages?
  53. What does the flood have to do with a hybrid race and what it means to be uncorrupted?
  54. What signs did Jesus say would “follow those who believe”?
  55. Why does it matter that Jesus rode a donkey the first time He came but He’ll be riding a horse at His Second Coming?
  56. Who are the inhabitants that live beneath the waters?
  57. What’s the difference between the waters above and the waters below?
  58. What four major supernatural events happened when Jesus was crucified? How does this mirror the End of Days?
  59. What is a unicorn?
  60. What is the curse of an adulteress woman? What are the signs in a man’s life?
  61. In Job, God describes Leviathan. Does this spirit describe anyone in your family?
  62. Under what specific circumstances are a husband’s prayers hindered?
  63. Does Psalm 22 say God hid His face from Jesus when He was on the cross?
  64. Which disciple stole from Jesus’ treasury?
  65. Which spirit acts as a false Holy Spirit? What signs of this spirit can be seen in the modern church?
  66. Who asked the Witch of Endor to conjure a dead prophet?
  67. What is the most often ill-treated, disadvantaged, poverty-stricken people group throughout the earth? What does this have to do with Deuteronomy 28?
  68. Who else came out of their graves when Jesus arose from the dead?
  69. How big was Goliath’s armor? How much did the tip of his spear weigh?
  70. Which two men in the Bible never died? Are they mentioned in Revelation?
  71. Why did a young man fall asleep and fall out a window to his death? What happened next?
  72. Which overweight prophet was so shocked by bad news, he fell off his chair and broke his neck?
  73. What 3 beings make up the unholy trinity of Revelation? Where do they come from?
  74. How many people did Jesus raise from the dead before His crucifixion?
  75. What does it mean to inherit the Kingdom of God?
  76. Why did a donkey speak? What was he terrified of?
  77. What sort of being had twelve fingers and twelve toes?
  78. What did the men of Sodom want to do to the angels who were with Lot?
  79. What did Miriam say to her brother Moses that caused God to punish her with leprosy? Who were the Cushites?
  80. What 3 times did God the Father allow humans to hear Him speaking audibly to Jesus?
  81. What do Hollywood, Disney, Marvel, and Sony know that most Christians don’t about things like demons, fallen angels, curses, magic, spells, witches, warlocks, sorcery, occult, astral projection, frozen places, realms, rulers, principalities, vampires, hybrids, giants, blood, the marine kingdom, and the power of words?
  82. When Jesus cast the demons into a herd of pigs, they ran into the sea. Why?
  83. If the word trinity is not used in the Bible, what Scriptures evidence the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Are there instances where all are mentioned in the same place at the same time?
  84. Why did Jesus first ask people if they wanted to be healed?
  85. Why did the prophet Elisha summon bears to maul a group of teenage boys?
  86. Why did God punish the Philistines with hemorrhoids/tumors on their behinds?
  87. If it had never rained before, how did God water the earth before the great flood?
  88. What kind of stars sing?
  89. What does it mean to be spiritually deaf and blind? How does this relate to why Jesus spoke in parables?
  90. What was the scapegoat? Why is “goat” imagery so important in satanism?
  91. Where did Cain’s family come from?
  92. What do the original descendants of Jacob and the original group that Jesus sent out in His Name have in common?
  93. Why were Jewish exorcists left naked and bleeding by a demon-oppressed man?
  94. The Hebrew meanings of the first 10 fathers’ names, from Adam to Noah, form a sentence. What does it say?
  95. Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute? How many demons did Jesus free her from?
  96. What triggered the plague of snakes? How were people rescued from it?
  97. Which prophet did God allow to supernaturally outrun a chariot?
  98. Why did the deadly plagues of Egypt not affect the land of Goshen? What does this have to do with the Rapture?
  99. Why did it take 470 guards to protect Paul when he was transported to Governor Felix?
  100. How will everyone on a round earth see Jesus return at the same time?

I’m in no way trying to sway your interpretation of Scripture, but I am trying to tip your cradle. Remember to test the spirits as you go and keep your eyes on Jesus. He’s the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life.

We also have the word of the prophets as confirmed beyond doubt. And you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

~ 2 Peter 1:19

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