After tucking our girls in bed, I got right down on my knees in front of their dollhouse to see the world through their eyes, searching for that child-like faith Jesus loves.
Searching for perspective from the little ones to whom The Kingdom belongs.
The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.
~ Jesus
Their dainty toys took on shape and purpose. They’re so good at managing what they know as their world.
I remembered something my Daddy said when he returned the first time from Haiti—that if he looked around at all of Haiti, he’d become overwhelmed and give up; but if he focused on what God has him doing in a single moment, in a single orphanage, he could make a difference.
I’ve carried that with me, because sometimes I look around…
I become overwhelmed.
As daughters of Eve, we’re meant to give life, and when we sense the opposite of life, we mourn.
He named her Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.
~ Genesis 3:20
Sometimes we mourn the whole world at once, deep down inside like sclerosis.
That’s okay.
But then we regain focus, bowed low in the Secret Place of listening to God; perspective returns where our job is profound but simple…
To give life.
To keep our homes alive with love so hearts don’t become cold.
Because of so much wickedness, most people’s love will grow cold…
~ Jesus
While on my knees in my daughters’ world, Abba-God reminded me again the small deeds we do in our very small lives do make a big difference because we’re causing life, as no other creature can.
Overcoming, with one kindness at a time.
That’s manageable.
Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
~ Romans 12:21